Diario de loosinisfun, 22 feb. 09

DOTTI'S NEWSLETTER.....i get a newsletter from dotti an i thought i would share it with everyone

Keeping on the Journey
— Giving Up is NOT An Option!

By Dotti

This is an article I wrote 2 years ago this month. I think it’s time to revisit this subject since this is the time when most of us are struggling to stay on the Journey.

How many of us have started our Healthy Lifestyle/Weight Loss Journey only to find our desire to "keep on keeping on" dwindle? I'll wager most of us have "been there and own the tee shirt". Why does this happen? Anyone have any ideas? One of the main reasons is that when we start our Journey we are "flying high" and in the best place we need to be to get started on our Program and new Lifestyle. It is called the "Honeymoon" stage of our Journey. I remember my honeymoon and I have to tell you it was AWESOME!

After several weeks to a month on program there is the veil that is lifted and you are no longer looking through rose-colored glasses. You start to make excuses as to why you can't exercise or you go off program thinking, "Why bother? I'm not losing anymore anyway."

I'm here to tell you it does not have to be this way. You CAN keep that "honeymoon" feeling ALL the time! I know you are sitting there thinking, NO WAY, this woman is crazy. It's true. You can always have that great feeling and desire to keep on keeping on. Let's talk about some ways to keep that fire going.

When you make your goals don't tie them to a number on the scale. Quite frankly, the scale lies. I know, ridiculous, right? Think about it. When you retain fluid (from too much sodium, medications, etc) the scale can show a slightly higher number or stay steady even when you've been doing everything right on program. So many things can affect that number on the scale ~ don't let the number on the scale affect your Journey.

Set short-term goals and make them achievable. When you get to the point where you want to give up sugar, don't just say, "I'll never eat sugar again". That goal, for sure, will guarantee you will eat sugar and plenty of it! Instead, try to make a short-term goal, "I will cut back on the amount of sugar I am eating". By making it an achievable goal you can feel good when you have achieved your goal. This goal is also a stepping-stone to eliminating sugar from your diet completely, if you still wish to, but it's not a goal that will never get off the ground.

Make sure your goals are spelled out completely as to what the goal is and how you are going to achieve it. If you want to make an exercise goal, make sure you state the particulars like: How am I going to achieve this goal? How often am I willing to exercise? Don't give up because you can only exercise/walk 5 minutes a couple of times a week. Guess what? Those 5 minutes can turn into 10 minutes, or maybe the couple of times a week might turn into 3 times a week. If the 5 minutes a couple of times of week is ALL you can do at this time that is 5 minutes a couple of times a week where you'll be moving! Accentuate the positive.

On my first Journey to Goal back in 1998 (hard to believe it is over 11 years ago) my exercise plan was to do the elliptical and treadmill for 30 minutes each, 3 times a week. I drove 30 minutes to my gym at 4:30 am. I only managed a couple minutes on the elliptical for the first couple of workouts. As time went by, I eventually got up to a great 60-minute workout, with 30 minutes of it on the elliptical. In the beginning I did get some "looks" because I was off the machine in less than 5 minutes. Guess what? As I continued to lose the weight (I eventually lost another 95 lbs after starting to exercise) those same "looks" were turned into "WOW, you look awesome" and I have to tell you they made my day. What also made me feel great is that I did not give up; I kept at it until I achieved my goal. What a powerful feeling it is too.

Always reward yourself for your accomplishments. There are many ways to do this. You don't have to have a lot of money either. One idea for setting up a reward system for your Journey is to write down a reward on a colored piece of paper. Add as many rewards as you wish but use different colors of paper and only put one reward on each piece of paper. Fold each of the papers into small pieces. Find a pretty jar and put the folded papers into it. Feel free to make the jar pretty for you to look at. Each time you achieve one of your goals pull out one of the rewards. Some great non-food reward ideas are: take a long, relaxing bath with your favorite bath oil; start a book you've been wanting to read; buy yourself a bouquet of flowers; take a nice walk around the local zoo - animals are great and I guarantee you will be smiling the whole time; visit that bookstore, even to browse, that you've been wanting to visit; send yourself a positive message to your answering machine like, WOO! HOO! You've done it! You get the idea. Rewards after an "achieved" goal are a great way to keep you motivated and they give you something to look forward to, taking your focus off of the scale.

Make sure you write your goals down. Saying and seeing are two different things. If you say your goals there is nothing tangible to hold on to. If you write your goals down you can see them as often as you need; you can put stars next to those that you've accomplished which in turn gives you that positive visual. One thing you could try is this: Buy a really nice Journal-type book. Write down your goals here, one per page, and as you accomplish your goals you can put a star next to them. You can then write down how you feel when you have achieved that goal and what reward you gave to yourself for that great accomplishment. This will be an awesome book to look back on. What a way to keep you strong and motivated on your Journey.

Write down the reasons why you want this healthy new lifestyle. If you haven't already written down your reasons (you can use the same Journal you are using for your rewards) do so now. Make sure you are honest with yourself and make sure you are doing this because you choose to and not because someone else wants you to. Resentment will eventually build up if you are doing this Journey because your husband wants you to or because you feel you "have to". Make a list of all the reasons why you are exercising more, cutting out your trans-fats, drinking more water... Again, this will be an awesome entry to look back on as needed. What a great way to remind yourself of why you are on this Journey.

Make sure you are prepared with plans for all arising situations. I would definitely suggest that you start a notebook (preferably one with divided sections) to contain information that will make your Journey easy, and that you can refer to when you need it most. Let's see what we can put into this book. One section should definitely have your Plan of Action for high-risk situations like going out to eat, having a dinner party, running around all day, etc. It should look something like this: Out and about all day - pack an insulated lunch bag with what you might want to eat for the day [sandwich, fruit, snack, etc]. Make sure it's food you can eat-on-the run. Write down the info (points/calories) for all the food in your bag. Include a water bottle and keep it filled [many fast food places will let you fill water bottles so there's no excuse for an empty water bottle]. When you get home, minus the points/calories of the foods that you didn't eat.

Another section should have your Favorite Meals that you've put together - It should look something like this: Breakfast for Dinner - 2 slices bacon (2 pts/200 cal); Eggbeaters (1 pt/60 cal); 1 cup hash browns (3 pts/150 cal) - total meal is 6 pts. Another section should have your Food Finds with the points/calories listed [whatever works with your plan]. It should look something like this: Jennie-O Lean Turkey & Gravy, white & dark - 4 oz Roast & 2 tbsp gravy (4 pts/160 cal).

The reason I mention keeping a notebook of this information is because by doing so you are making your Journey easier. When I first started this Journey I wrote all the points on the foods I brought into the house. Why? I did it because I soon found out that I did not want to keep getting out my Point calculator to figure out what I was eating every time I opened a can or food item. This way, the work is already done, I'm learning the point-values and I can continue on with the meal without interruption. Easy. Easy is good. You are taking the "work" out of the Journey and keeping the "fun" in the Journey. After awhile, the Journey becomes easier and before you know it, you're "living it" with little effort on your part.

Try new foods and recipes. Don't just "settle" for the same lowfat, bland at times, food every day. Try different brands; many have different flavors. Try new recipes. One of my short-term goals is to try a new recipe at least a couple of times a month. I hope to use that goal as a stepping-stone to what I really would like to do - try a new recipe once a week. Be adventurous in your food and recipes. Don't be afraid to step out of the box you created when you started your Journey. Remember this is a Lifelong Journey so let's mix it up a bit, keeping the Journey an exciting and adventurous one.

Change your support group/leader. If you are going to a support meeting, and you do not care for the group or the leader, try a different one. There is no RULE that says you have to continue with the group you started with. Sometimes, believe it or not, a support group can be just the opposite—offering no support. If that is happening, STOP now, and get out there and find a group that you CAN relate to, that allows you to join in, and most of all, that supports YOU. Check out the Internet for a support group that offers support 24/7. I have been told that there is a pretty good website and an associated message board that do just that. Smile

Change your exercise routine. Do you normally walk the same path when you exercise? Try taking a different path. Map out a new path and head on out. Since I've had problems with my foot and Plantar Fasciitis I've cut my walking down to 2-3 miles. We have a great walk mapped out to our nearest Borders and Starbucks. The other day we decided to try a different route to a different Starbucks - takes the humdrum out of getting your exercise in. If you are a cardio person (that would be me!) try adding in some weight resistance. If you use your treadmill, try walking outside if it's a nice day. If you are a walker (I am) get a season pass to your Zoo. You will be supporting the Zoo and have a great place to walk while visiting all the wonderful animals (I love that). Also, remember you don't have to do 30 minutes of exercise all at once. Do a 15-minute walk in the morning and then one at lunch.

Don't buy junk food.Having junk food in the house is just a slip-up waiting to happen. Why put yourself in danger when you can stock your house with healthy, great-tasting foods. Check out our great sponsors in this newsletter [Vitalicious, PhillySwirl, Penny’s Low Fat Desserts, Baja Bob’s Cocktail Mixes, Pizza Free] who supply us with delicious, healthy options. Yes, you can have dessert, pizza, ice cream, a cocktail, and stay on your Program.

Take your vitamins.By taking your vitamins every day you are guaranteeing that you are getting the vitamins and nutrients you need. According to some experts you are also keeping your metabolism revved up. Make sure you take your vitamins with a meal to avoid stomach upset and to give them the best chance to work.

Talk about your Journey; your successes, food finds, etc. This is the best way to keep yourself motivated and excited about the Journey. I have never shut-up about it! Ask my Al. I may have gotten quieter at different times on my Journey but it's always been something I loved talking about. Talking about new foods, recipes, what's been working for you and what's not is keeping your Journey alive and well.

Keep your water bottle filled at all times, drinking water throughout the day. Drinking your water throughout the day will help all aspects of your Journey - keep you "full", cleanse your system, metabolize your stored fat efficiently and much more. I keep a water bottle with me in the car at all times. Sometimes water is all you need to get rid of that "I want a Krispy Kreme" feeling as you drive by the local Krispy Kreme with their light on saying, "Hot - just baked." Water is powerful. Make it your best friend.

I think one of the most important things we all have to remember is that your Journey has no time limit. We are not in a race. This Journey Back to Goal for me is nothing like my first Journey to Goal in 1998. Amazing how age, medications, quitting smoking and most of all, LIFE, have a way of affecting your Journey. I've learned so much this second time around. It's not about the number on the scale. It's not about how fast I lose this extra weight. It's not about a right or wrong way of being on your Journey. It's not about owing anyone any explanation.

It IS about keep on keeping on the Journey. It IS about enjoying the Journey. It IS about realizing that no two Journeys are alike. It IS about feeling better. It IS about making healthier choices. It IS about taking life One Day at a Time with no regrets. It IS about being there for each other.

This is a Journey worth taking and worth staying on. Discouragement is part of the Journey unfortunately but you can better arm yourself with the tools to fight it. You have the resources, group support and your strength and desire for this Journey to be the way YOU want it to be. Don't sell yourself short. You can do this. If you don't have that "honeymoon" feeling get it back. It IS possible.

You can do this! You can keep your resolve to stay on the course of your Journey. You can keep that "honeymoon" going for the rest of your life if you want to. You are a WINNER. You are a SUCCESS. You are BEAUTIFUL.

Good luck to you all on your Journey to a healthier, happier, thinner and more confident YOU. You all have it within yourselves to be the best you can be. It's up to you. I'm rooting for you all.

Hugs, Dotti

if your interested in gettin the newsletter just go to google an type in dotti..it will take you to her page an ther you can get the newsletter...

gooooooood sunday mornin everyone!!!!...another morning an the temps with the wind chill are down around 20..so no morning walk today...just gonna stay inside long as i can an do floor exercises and stay limber...ive been tryin something for the last several days an it seems to be working really good...infact when i get on the scales, im seein almost a 2 pound drop in weight...i read somewhere on the internet that you need to be drinkin 1/2 of your body weight in water...yeah i kno for me thats alot ...so in other words for a 300 pound person that would be 150 oz...ive been drinkin close to 120 for the last 2 days as an experment...and going to do it again today...and i should show a loss tomow if i stay with my eating plan...and i also sleep in a cooler room but with more clothes on at night, i sleep with sweats and a tshirt and sweatshirt over the top of it...an then just a thicker cover over me on the bed...and i think mabye thats causing my body to work harder to keep me warm..not really sure about the cooler room thing...but i do know the water thing is makin me p more...an thats ok...i kno im flushin my system out ...ive been eating my popcorn for an afternoon snack, an then when i taste the salt in it, i kno i have to drink the extra water to get the salt outta my system...i write down each bottle i drink so i can keep track, other wise id forget after so many..lol...well...thats my thoughts for this morning hope it helps you if you try it...have a great sunday!!!!...catch you all later today!!!!

addon...ive already started gettin my 5 gallon buckets and tomato cages so i can be ready when its time to plant my tomatoes this year...want to get it all set up an ready so i can start them sooner this year...this year just gonna grow the bigger tomatoes instead of the mini ones...i kno that by puttin them in a shoe box when they are not quite ripe, they will turn red...so plan on having a great season this year with them..an not sure what else i might try an grow...

My Mini Goals I Focus On Daily !!!!

1. Believe In Yourself !!!!!
2. You Can Accomplish Anything You Set Your Mind To !!!!!
3. Keep A Positive Attitude !!!!!
4. Visualize Yourself At Your Goal Weight, It Helps You To Get To Your Mini Goals Much Easier !!!!!
5. I Am First !!!!!
6. Forgive Yourself When You Mess Up, It Happens !!!!
7. Get Back On Track At The Next Meal !!!!
8. Drink 16 oz Of Water Soon As You Get Outta Bed ..You're Dehydrated From Sleeping 8 Hours !!!
9. Eat Your Highest Amount Of Calories At Breakfast !!!!!
10. At Lunch Eat Fewer Calories !!!!!
11. At Supper Eat Even Fewer !!!!
12. Water !!! ..Water !!! ...Water !!!...Flush Out Your System !!!
13. Keep Track Of Your Salt Intake !!!!!
14. Taking Days Off To Rest Is Necessary... For Recovery !!!
15. Doing Hi-Intensity Workouts Builds Up My Heart Muscles So That I Can Get More Oxygen Into My Body To Burn Off More Of The Calories !!!!!
16. Dont Starve Your Body Of The Calories It Requires !!!!
17. Exercising Can Become An Enjoyable Experience That You Look Forward To Each Day !!
18. And Lastly ....Your Only In Competetion With Yourself...Do The Best You Can Do Everyday !!!!!
19. Cheating On Your Food Journal Is Only Cheating Your End Results!!

Ver Calendario de Dieta, 22 febrero 2009:
898 kcal Grasa: 17,41g | Prot: 56,29g | Carbh: 129,16g.   Desayuno: skim milk, great value oatmeal, water, Banana. Almuerzo: Gela Delight gelatin dessert(jello), Chunk Light Tuna in Water (50% Less Sodium), wylwood mixed veggies -- no salt added, wylwood green beans, water. Cena: 1/2 kraft mayo, 1/2 water, chicken breast, water, lettuce. Pasa Bocas / Otros: great value peanut butter, 100% Whole Wheat Bread, Gela Delight gelatin dessert(jello), water. más...


Thanks for the newsletter it was just what I needed today. That snow you sent has gone now except for the tops of the hills but the wind is biting. You were wise not to venture out today. I only managed 15 minutes, head down into the wind and everything wrapped up. The UK is forecast to have more cold weather next week and they say we may not have seen the end of the snow here in Scotland. It looks greatout of the window with the sun shining but when you getout there brrrrrrr. Have a great day 
22 feb. 09 por el miembro: flaxseed
I particularly like the idea of a notebook in which you write down ideas or recipes that have been good for you. I forget these all the time and end up substituting with inferior alternative. 
22 feb. 09 por el miembro: information
Great message today Mike! Keep up the great effort! 
22 feb. 09 por el miembro: 4thehalibut


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