Diario de Butterfly30

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11 marzo 2010

Okay i decided to share the Cauliflower Mash...

Here you go folks

Ingredients (all seasoning is to taste)

Frozen or fresh cauliflower
Purple onion (dice 1/4 cup)
Green bell pepper (dice ¼ cup)
Chives (herbs to taste)Helps with anemia (low iron)
Green onion ¼ cup
Parmesan grated (1 to 2 table spoons)
Parsley (herbs)Helps fight cancer
Garlic powder
Black pepper
Sea salt
Real Butter (2 tables spoons)
Organic Mayo or no carb mayo (2 table spoons)

Start off with a med pot with ½ cup of water. Add parsley, chives, butter, and garlic powder bring to a boil. Then add your cauliflower (I usually make enough for 4 servings) put the purple or red onion, green bell peeper, green onion, parmesan cheese, black pepper (to taste), sea salt. Continue to boil until cauliflower is soft enough to mash (by this time your veggies should be soft but not mushy). Once you have mashed the cauliflower add 2 table spoons of mayo. Mix until smooth like mashed potatoes. Serve and enjoy...Yum!

11 marzo 2010

Good morning all of you wonderful FS Mems... It's the Butterfly wishing all of you a happy almost Friday!

You know what is funny, I love veggies but they obviously don't love me! I am so bloated that I could float... haha Man there is always something. On a brighter side, I feel GRRRRRReat!!! LOL

I saw Old Betty (my scale) this morning, I have not lost a single pound; however, I have not gained and that to me is wonderful. I am not too worried about the loss as I am freakin bloated and full of hot air...No pun intended. LOL Like I said before me and veggies are at war, I love them and they seem to hate me. LMBO I just don't get it!

Nevertheless, I carry on with my head held high and my mind open to receive whatever Papa has for me this day! How happy I am to be alive and given another day to work on my health (mind, body, soul, and spirit...) I am filled with a joy that words can not fathom. So I continue to work hard on my goals and enjoying the experience along the way...

Have a fab almost Friday...


The Butterfly~

PS. I love cauliflower Mash...Yummy in the tummy!!!

10 marzo 2010

“Friends are God's way of apologizing for some of our family members!” LOL My co-worker told me that and I found it to be titillating. What an interesting word titillating. LOL I love it! haha...

On a serious note folks my friends are indeed my family! I love them so...When I am being super ridiculous (which often I am; hello! haha) they are there to let me know that I am to lean on them in times of trouble, discouragement, and mayhem. What a beautiful adopted family God has given me...ooooh yes yes.. Thank you Papa!

Regarding food and all that groovy stuff: Love my new organic veggie burgers. They are delicious and I love cauliflower mash. I could eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Yummy! I am doing cardio tonight and going to love every moment of it. It totally helps clear the mind and helps the stress from a long days work!

I have a new theme song: “Just Fine” by Mary J. Blige... My favorite lyric is “See I like what I see when I am walking pass the mirror” Yep, I really do like what I see; however, it is from the inside out. It is the beauty that lies in the pit of my heart. I want that to be reflected in the mirror! :-D

I hope that you all find the beauty in the pits of your hearts and may it all reflect in the mirror!

I love life! What an amazing gift it is!!!

Happy Hump Day!

The Butterfly~

09 marzo 2010

08 marzo 2010

Good morning FS members!!! How the heck are you folks doing today? I am surprised at how fast Monday comes...Sheesh! Well here goes another week of working for the weekend! haha...

Okay so I am a little under the weather today. I have a slight cold yet, I feel so blessed and so healthy despite the bloating that I feel from all the veggies...Veggies Yum; bloating yuck! Haha... This weekend I caught up on some well needed rest and had reflection time, which gave such enlightenment to my mind and soul. :D love reflection time...

Today's reflection was: Leaning not to my own understanding...

Nothing just happens; everything happens for a reason!!! For example, how would I know the importance of health, diet, and nutrition had I not been struggling in those areas?! I am grateful for this time to be wiser in my eating habits and health choices. This journey is making me stronger and building immense character! So here's to a life full of wisdom, health of mind, body, soul, and spirit! I wish you all an amazing Monday! May your souls and hearts be encouraged. May you be given all that you need to endure and achieve your goals...

Have a joyous day my Peeps!!

The Butterfly~

P.S. Today's lunch is green bean stew. Yum!!! :-P

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