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02 diciembre 2008

Good morning all!!

I feel like crap today but I have a sudden burst of extra energy! This new energetic me must be coming from the GREAT news I saw on the ultrasound yesterday!
My baby is alive and healthy! It's little chest looked SOOO CUTE just beating away! The baby had a heart rate of 141bpm (which is the same heart rate as Jacob). So...another boy? hmm...
Only, I was not this sick with Jacob. I will be happy no matter what the sex of the baby is! I just pray for a healthy baby, healthy pregnancy, and successful delivery. :)

Today I have gained enough strength to get up an make sure what I am eating is healthy. For the past two weeks my nausea has been so bad that I was just grabbing WHATEVER food I could reach just to help ease my nausea (even if it was CHIPS or cheez-its)!
I will be having a very nutritious breakfast shake this morning, and then I will be sure to write out the rest of my diet on a personal journal. I should not be consuming thousands of calories...so, its going to be great to get back on track... or so I hope. :)

I hope everyone has a fabulous day! Thank you so much for all of your kind words! You all are such wonderful people!

(((hugs))) Leesah

01 diciembre 2008

Good Morning all, and happy December 1st! 24 more days until Christmas! :)

I apologize for having such a large gap between journals, I have been dealing with more on my plate then I can possibly handle at this point.

For those of you who don't know, I am pregnant with my second child. I am very excited and anxious to welcome our new baby in the world summer 09'. I have been dealing with a few complications. About 11 days ago I was seen in the ER for bleeding. Because the fetal age was too young, the doctors were unable to determine a steady heart rate. About 3 days later the "spotting" came to an end but my extreme morning sickness did not. I have never been so sick in my life. The nausea is so bad I can not function in life or even stick to a daily routine. This of course has proposed challenge because I have a 14 month old son to look after during the days.

Food...ugh...that's a whole other situation! As odd as it sounds I have had to constantly stuff my face to help keep my nausea under control. I imagine I have gained about 4 pounds, but I refuse to stand on the scale because I need to help myself get back on track with a healthy eating plan and then drop the extra fatty pounds that are not intended to be there!!! damnit!!! LOL

On a brighter note, I will be having an in depth ultrasound today with a doctor. This ultrasound will help update the status of my babys health and also my own. I am very anxious for the news, a little nervous, and I'm crossing my fingers and toes for some GOOD NEWS!!!

After my ultrasound today I will be sure to remember to update everyone on the news.

Thank you so much to those who have messaged me with your kind words! I appreciate it so much.

Have a fantastic Monday!!!!!!!

20 noviembre 2008

WELL...it has finally happend....the HORRORS of the first trimester! ah! For the last three days (including this morning and now) I have been VERY sick. For some reason I had a HUGE craving for pizza and even ORDERED it...which is odd for me, because I never allow myself to give in or even spend money on that crap! LOL
I did it though, I stuffed my face ALL day with pizza, and then threw up! It was horrible. I am dying over here! I HATE THE FIRST TRIMESTER!

Now, for those of you that don't know, I am a MEGA coffee drinker... Its a rituatal of mine to have a least one cup every morning, but now...even the smallest thought of coffee makes me want to BARFF! oh no! :( whats happening to me!?!

To top it all off, I have a bladder infection!! I got a bladder infection when in the first trimester with Jacob as well. Guess it's just something that happens to me... hmmm...but, I'm dyin over here and the antibiotics aren't doing anything but increasing my nausia! && vitamins? psh! Forget it! Those help aid in my misery too!

I had to skip working out last night because I seriously needed some recovery time after having spent the day sicker than ever and having to keep watch of my son who is a freakin maniac! LOL! Thank goodness he is CUTE!

welpers.. I am off to relax. I need freedom from this sickness. PLEASE GOD! lol

I hope everyone has a beautiful day! Many hugs to everyone ((hugs))

LOL, was my journal nausiating enough? or sad enough? If not, I could go on... hehe

17 noviembre 2008

Good Morning Everyone!!!

I have had an awfully busy morning! Productive to say the least! My husband and I have been looking for a house (right now we are living in a condo), so I have been dealing with the ups and downs of that process! Not to mention I am babysitting a ONE year old along with having my own ONE year old here and it has been one CRAZY roller coaster of a day! LOL
What in the heck are the odds of both babies falling asleep at the SAME TIME! haha! YAY FOR ME! :)

I had a bad week! My cold became increasinly worse before getting any better, and I OVER ATE! Ugh! I always seem to let loose on the weekends! SHAME ON ME! :( tahee!

I have behaved this morning for the most part. I tried to eat a healthy breakfast... LOL (i'll avoid sharing what I actually ate...ha!)!
For the rest of the day I plan on being a GOOD GIRL! I can't risk gaining tons of weight during the holidays! Especially being pregnant! ugh!

Still haven't learned my ultrasound date! I better call and check up on that right now! Hope everyone has a lovely day!

14 noviembre 2008

Good Morning everyone!
I feel HORRIBLE! I woke up with a nasty cold! My nose is plugged, my throat hurts, and my head feels like it wants to explode!!! ugh
Hopefully I get over this soon. This is the last thing I want to deal with right now! :(

I had a horrible day sticking with my diet yesterday, LOL. After my doctors appointment yesterday we were starving and found ourselves in the drive thru! As night time approached I found myself LAZY...and again, In the drive thru! eek! That can't happen anymore this month. I need to make sure I am ready for Thanksgiving! ha! That means dropping 4 pounds of fat so that I can pack it in on Thanksgiving and not feel guilty. haha!

Yesterday was my first appointment. It went fairly well. I met my doctor (the one who will be delivering my baby) and he is wonderful! I met with a nutritionist yesterday who set me up with all the good stuff (vitamins and pamplets), then I had my oh so lovely cervical exam, had to get all my blood test done, and now I am just waiting for my AM call that will tell me the dates of my ultrasound! ((I will be sure to post those u/s pix up)) :)

I am a little ticked off! No creamer for my coffee this morning! SHOOT! Now I have to sit here with nothing soothing for my throat! What a crappy way to start the morning off! :( LOL

My son has a doctors appointment today...I am considering on canceling because we are both so ill. It sucks! Its the second shot of a two-part flu series. I just may need to cancel until next Tuesday. ugh!

ok so! on another note! I read everyone's journals ((not just the normal group of people that comment me))! I mean,.. EVERYONE... LOL, and I have come to realize that there are some judgmental and vicious people on this site! It kind of scares me! haha!
So... I just want to let everyone know ((who ever comes across my page)) Please don't lecture me on things that I do during my day or what I eat on my diet. I am a surgical nurse and well educated enough to know what my boundries are. I am afraid that now that I am pregnant people may begin to judge me more and I dont want that happening! This is my journal to be open and honest on and if you don't agree with it, im supppper sorry! :) I am well aware of things that may cause damage during my pregnancy... no worries! Thanks! <~~~ this is not for anyone in particular, just a general statement after having read some mean journals this morning!! LOL! I thought to myself "shoot, I better fore warn everyone that they better not MESS WITH ME!!!!"... hahaha!

I hope everyone has a lovely day! I gotta go find some meds for this cold and get something soothing to drink.

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