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12 noviembre 2008

ah! Good afternoon everyone!

My day has been pleasent. I hung out on the computer all day! I felt so bad I had to get up and clean! ugh! I just took a long hot bath and then indulged in some of my yoplus yogurt! It was YUMMY!! The "pregnant sleepy spell" just came over me so I better start moving before I pass out and Jacob rubs cookies all over my face...or worse, destroys the house!!!!! LOL

My diet has come along nicely today. I have been cheating terribly lately! eek! I have been eating cookies, candy, and OVER eating my dinners! Not so good! :(
It's ok though, I am back on track today and seriously motivated to NOT cheat! I guess because I will be standing on the scale at the doctors tomorrow and I don't want it to read some crazy ass high number! ha!

Speaking of that. Tomorrow, I meet with the nutritionist and get my full cervial exam! Yippy for me! LOL Guess I better make sure to shave! EW!! Just kidding! hehehe!
I am excited to finally see a doctor now and get scheduled for my first ultrasound! Can't wait!

Guess I better get things out to prepare for dinner. I am making my famous mexican soup (which, I can not eat tonight... it isn't the healthiest thing for my growing belly and low fat diet). I will be making it for my dad and Ray. :) I, on the other hand will be having chicken salad!

Hope everyone has a lovely Wednesday!

10 noviembre 2008

07 noviembre 2008

Good Morning everyone! I am about two weeks pregnant, although my doctor will set my due date according to my last period, which was September 28th, 2008. This makes my due date for Sunday July 5th, 2009.

I have stuck pretty well to my diet so far. I typically wont eat actual meals all day until late afternoon or dinner time, but...I can't get away with doing that now. I get super sick! ugh! so... I have a well planned out diet and I plan on sticking to it for the full nine months that I am pregnant.

Yesterday I ate a yogurt, half a sandwhich, pretzles, steamed rice/chicken/veggies, and a chocolate! <~~ that is pretty good considering I then went and worked my butt off in the gym, and that my appetite is a little through the roof these days!

I'm not sure if any of you ladies experienced this...but, in the first trimester of pregnancy your stomach tends to be BLOATED and it looks FAT! LOL, well... thats what I have going on right now and it stinks! psh!

AnyhOOt... I am off to drink my decaf and get ready! Gonna take my bestie to her first ultrasound! I hope everyone has a FAN-TAB-ULOUS Friday!!! :)

05 noviembre 2008

Good Morning everyone!!

I woke up this morning feeling fresh, excited, and determined. Yesterday I did pretty well on my diet ( I did sneak a few chocolates from Halloween) but otherwise...I did fairly well. I also worked out in the gym for a little over an hour. It was nice.

For those of you that don't know, my husband and I have been trying for another baby starting on October 4th. I did use ovulation test and on the 26th and 27th my ovulating test came back positive! WE GOT TO BIZ!! Since then, I have felt "ok". A few cramps here and there, and this past weekend I was a TERROR! haha! <~~ All of those relate very closely to my period.

With that being said, on Saturday evening I was feeling like CRAP and thought I might give a pregnancy test a shot. Of course it read NEGATIVE! Not even a slight chance of pregnancy! So... I put it out of my mind until Monday when I felt HORRIBLE! I was soooo moody and bitchy and felt like crying! IT WAS HORRIBLE! Finally, yesterday evening I told my husband I feel like throwing up maybe I should test again... he was ALL FOR IT! I went and took the test and instantly it read NEGATIVE! So.. I threw it and went back in the kitchen to complain! About a minute later I went back into the bathroom...just to make sure it was negative and it read...... POSITIVE!! I ran in the living room jumping up and down and my husband was SOOOO EXCITED!! I had to be absolutely certain that this was not a false postive so I went about bought a digital clear blue 20$ pregnancy test and took it as soon as I got home. 3 minutes later the test read "PREGNANT"!! SO!! Here I am!! 9 days pregnant and sooooo exciting to experience a new journey! &&& I get to share it with you all!!

My best friend Jennifer is also pregnant (only a few weeks ahead of me) and I am soooo excited that her and I get to share this experience together, both for the SECOND time.

I will be making a healthy eating chart for myself every month for the next nine months until the baby is born. I VOW to not gain any more weight then the baby, water, placenta, extra blood, and the normal 5-7 pounds of fat. In total I should gain no more than 25 pounds!! This is going to be difficult but well worth it for me in the end!!

Today is the start of day one as a pregnant momma with the SECOND BABY!!! YAY!!!

03 noviembre 2008

Today is the start of day ONE! Lately I have been eating like a HUGE COW! <~~~ seriously. Tons of chocolate, fast food, pizza, eggnog...haha, basically everything that is NOT good for me. This might very well be an early sign of pregnancy. When I became pregnant with my son, my appetite went through the roof... literally, and... here I am again!
Thankfully I have spent some time in the gym and will continue to do so FIVE days a week from the start of pregnancy to the very end. I need to make sure that my body is well prepared for labor and delivery this time around. I went through some pretty intense pain when I gave birth to my son 13 months ago...and, I do NOT want to find my feet in those shoes EVER AGAIN! lol

I have decided that eating like an uncontrolable cow will NEVER work in my favor, lol, and that it's probably not the best nutrition for a woman trying to conceive! Today I made a vow to myself to get back into the habit of eating healthy and eating GREEN!

So far today I have had a cup of coffee! DONT WANT TO HEAR IT... It has not been a postive result in pregnancy, so... leave me alone! I get to enjoy my cup of coffee! lol! No need to inform me of the rules... I KNOW! hehe

I plan on have a low fat sandwhich on whole wheat bread today, and a small portioned dinner. I don't typically eat between meals, and it works for me. If for whatever reason I develope a craving for snaking in between I will stick to drinking tons of green tea until my belly gets full!! haha!!

Its great to be back! & It was nice hearin from you all!

I'll have to update everyone with some recent pictures! Look out for em'!

Here are some!

Me and my baby cow
<img src="http://c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/10/l_fde61bab90d644efb8e9cc4f858918c0.jpg">

hehe laughing cow
<img src="http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/24/l_4f5dc9abb0bc4d47913a61a658358f55.jpg">

me, my boys, super woman, and batman! ha!!
<img src="http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/28/l_4b36d666b2da436baac6b2409969a957.jpg">

me & my bestest friend EVER, Jennifer
<img src="http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/33/l_72ebb65f2a804bb98db9a2513afae1ad.jpg">

aw! sleepy baby!
<img src="http://c4.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/60/l_5829fbe13b024b79b119dce5758e37c3.jpg">

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