Diario de Santosvella

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13 mayo 2017

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
86,2 kg 11,3 kg 20,4 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario peso estable

09 mayo 2017

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
86,2 kg 11,3 kg 20,4 kg Poco
   Agregar Comentario Ganando 0,1 kg a la Semana

10 marzo 2016

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
79,4 kg 18,1 kg 13,6 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Ganando 0,1 kg a la Semana

21 noviembre 2014

Peso: Disminuído hasta ahora: Aún para ir: Dieta seguida:
69,4 kg 28,1 kg 3,6 kg Bien
   Agregar Comentario Perdiendo 0,0 kg a la Semana

04 septiembre 2014

So I appear to be losing weight at a slow but steady pace. I originally had a goal weight of 170lb (an arbitrary value) down from 230lbs or a 40in waist (two years ago) which I reached some months ago.
Thinking I could do better still I set another goal of 160lbs which I reached a little while ago again. Now I have a 31in waist.

Now knowing I have a stable system for me in place for losing I am now concentrating on body fat % of between 6% and 10%. A male needs between 3% & 5% of essential fat for healthy function. I don't intend going below that. I want to maintain a healthy body.

The other thing that has become apparent is loose skin/fat I didn't realise could be a problem. It is just on my tummy and not the worst in the world but I believe I can eliminate that too and just with losing fat.
Apparently there are two opinions on whether this is possible and I am still researching. One camp believes that this will never go away and will always be loose and hanging.
The other camp believes that this is because there is still a layer of adipose tissue under the skin effectively keeping the same surface area as a 40in waist in the body of a 31in waist. This camp believes once this layer of fat is eliminated then the skin will still be elastic enough to retract to the new waist size.
I liken this to painting a balloon with paint whilst it is inflated and then letting it down. Because the paint is stuck to the elastic balloon, the balloon cannot retract to it's original size. The paint is preventing this I believe in the same way that adipose tissue is keeping the skin from retracting to it's smaller size. I am testing this.

So how am I achieving this?

I'll start off by saying that I read, alot. I will research the hell out of any subject. I think if something is worth doing it is worth doing well. So i'm going to aim myself with the best tools to help myself.
This may seem obvious to some but the alternative to this is letting someone else tell you what to do or relying on a system that only works for a while or is only meant to be used for short periods. My analogy here is I can give you a fish I caught but if I teach you to fish you can be self sustaining.
I understand that people say they have no time to learn or that they don't have the mind or the memory for it but if you keep trying something over and over and you are not getting anywhere then it seems to me that you obviously had wasted a lot of that time already. How about doing it properly in the first place?

I broke things down to 3 main areas. The Mind, Food and Exercise.

1. The Mind. I was that person who said I wasn't the kind of person to maintain or do x, y or z. Because of culture or family or whatever the result was that I had the wrong attitude.
When I had this epiphany in my 41st year of life things started to change. There was no system that changed me. There was no one single person that influenced me. I made a decision. Once I had made this decision to... stop saying I won't or can't do something, to have a better attitude, to do what I need to to, then I could start.
No-one can do this for you but making that decision is the difference you see in people who have achieved something significant to them. Small or large.
I haven't even mentioned weight or fat in this section because for me the attitude change had to be everything in my life. I removed or removed myself from negative situations and dealt with negative people in a different way.
Meditation helped and still does.

2. Food. Using my new attitude and focus I realised that I had to view food differently than before. Before was, I'm bored i'll eat, film night i'll eat, i'm at a restaurant i'll have three courses, I have a hard stressful job i'll just drink soda all day and night. Now I am educated to know what certain foods do to my appetite, exactly what my body needs on a daily basis and food is still tasty. I still read a lot and try to keep up to date with verifiable research based articles.
My understanding from my journey is that we are dealing with biology which is a science not myth. I have read a lot of myths. Baring medical conditions (and even then this is still relevant) if your calories consumed equate to more than expended then you will gain weight. That's why I like tools like fatsecret.
Some people still think this is something they can't do or a waste of time. But if those people still can't lose weight then they really have to ask themselves who is wasting time.
If you want something so bad then record your calories and be honest with yourself. In the beginning it does take a little time but not hours, only a minute or so extra. Now if I am recording calories then if it is a regular food item I probably already know what the measure is and I update my calories in one go at the end of a meal or even at the end of a day. Time spent is a couple of minutes.
If my weight is going in the right direction and I know I have been eating normally without many unknown foods then I don't record.
The other thing to calculate is TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) or your weight maintenance value in calories. The best way I have found is to find any number of calculators online and use a few different ones to get an average. Some use different algorithms but most will give you an option for activity level. Always set this to sedentary because you need to know the base line for your weight, without exercise.
This TDEE number will change as your weight varies and could take time to find the one closest for you. This figure is important to keep track of as you lose as it will shrink too.
For example when I was 200lbs my maintenance calories were about 2200, now at 154lbs they are about 1650 calories a day. If I had kept at my original calories I would have stopped losing weight.
A typical day for me would be
Breakfast: A couple glasses of water, coffee, 60g bowl of granola with roughly 250g of fat free greek yogurt. Which gives me a good protein carb balance. If I am weight training or have a long run planned then I will go with higher protein with scrambled eggs and sausages (veggie ones) and maybe a filet of salmon. Protein will fill you up and help prevent muscle loss while losing weight.
If i'm working out then I would eat after as the body is craving fuel after any workout. If you miss meals after working out you will lose muscle, feel terrible and not have enough energy for the next workout.
Lunch: A glass or 2 of water. I will have fruit and something with protein, maybe tuna, kippers as part of a sandwich or with noodles. Maybe some almonds.
Dinner: Either steamed veggies or salad with a protein or a pasta bake, lasagne or even a curry.
Sounds normal doesn't it? Nothing extreme. I even have chocolate every now and then. I try not to eat much wheat or bread, maybe twice a week. I may have had one soda in six months.
Some of those things are specific habits that keep me on track, like the water before most meals, some protein with each meal, portion sizes and the rare chocolate. I have a glass or two of wine a week and all of this I have kept to my average TDEE over a week.
If you eat below your TDEE and you exercise then you may be doing too much and may be unsustainable. It sounds effective but i'm thinking about sustaining a balance and controlling cravings which I do.

3. Exercise. Because I exercise my daily calories stay at maintenance level and not below my TDEE. If I didn't exercise and still wanted to lose weight then I would consume less calories than my maintenance TDEE.
There are so many benefits to even the most basic regular exercise that it feels like if i'm not busy doing something then i'm just dying that much quicker. This is what I use as a mind trick. I have many. See number 1.
A few facts. After the age of thirty the body loses 1lb of muscle per year if not maintained. Muscle burns the most calories than most other organs. When you (male or female) exercise muscle, testosterone is produced which repairs and rejuvenates the body and crucially maintains or increase muscle mass. Exercise also releases endorphins in the brain which is the body's natural pain killer and makes you feel good. Endorphins can decrease your appetite, it's a win win.
As well as going to the gym I rock climb and I run too. This is where my calorie deficit comes in. If I maintain my TDEE each day I know my body is getting what it needs and when I exercise I know I am losing weight, feeling good and controlling my appetite.
But I hear you cry, I don't want to look like the Hulk! Great news! You won't. How long do people think it takes to get huge muscles? Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't look like he did after a few months. It took him years to achieve that. The great thing about working out is that you are in control.
My rule for myself is that it is a part of my life and I found things I enjoy.

So for me, my diet and system is just eating reasonably healthy at my maintenance level with regular exercise. But not forgetting number 1, the will and focus to do it and making it part of your life.

I've never had many goals in life but this is one that is giving me faith in my abilities, i'm achieving goals i'm setting, making me feel fantastic and it can't hurt to look good too.

Peso Histórico de Santosvella

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